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What is Two Part Analysis in the GMAT Focus Edition test ?

In Two-Part Analysis questions, you are presented with a complex problem or scenario that typically involves analyzing the information, data from multiple sources, such as tables, charts, graphs, or text. The problem consists of two related parts, and for each part, you'll have multiple answer choices to select from. Your task is to select one answer choice for each part of the problem.

To solve these questions effectively, you must carefully analyze the information provided, make logical deductions, and perform any necessary calculations or manipulations. These questions assess your ability to integrate data from different sources, apply quantitative reasoning skills, and make informed decisions based on the given information.

Two-Part Analysis questions are designed to measure your ability to think critically and analytically, as well as your proficiency in interpreting and synthesizing complex information – skills that are crucial for success in graduate management education and beyond.

Now Let’s solve a sample question
Two Part Analysis | Two Scientists discussing about Oort Cloud
Scientist 1

The Oort Cloud is a theoretical region of space that is believed to exist far beyond the outer reaches of our solar system. It is primarily composed of icy objects such as comets and dwarf planets. While it's possible that some of these objects contain carbon dioxide (CO2) in the form of ice or gas, it's not clear how prevalent CO2 is within the Oort Cloud. The composition of objects in the Oort Cloud is still not fully understood, as it's difficult to observe directly from Earth due to its extreme distance. Further exploration and study may reveal more about the chemical composition of objects within the Oort Cloud.

Scientist 2

The Oort Cloud is a theoretical region of space believed to be the source of many long-period comets in our solar system. It's primarily composed of icy objects, including comets, planetesimals, and debris left over from the formation of the solar system. While the exact composition of the Oort Cloud is not fully understood due to its extreme distance from Earth, it likely contains various gases commonly found in space, such as hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, water vapor, and carbon monoxide, among others. These gases may exist in both gaseous and frozen forms, depending on the temperature and conditions within the Oort Cloud. However, since direct observations of the Oort Cloud are challenging, our understanding of its composition is still largely theoretical and based on models and indirect evidence.

S.No Statement Direct Indirect
A A group of scientists is leading a campaign to allocate more federal funds for conducting planetary research programs, not confined solely to planets but also encompassing Oort Clouds.
B Isometric analysis of asteroids has revealed a significant presence of CO2 radioisotopes.
C Scientists successfully achieved chemical composition modeling of the Oort Cloud in their lab and established the role of CO2 in maintaining the equilibrium and stability necessary for the Oort Cloud to exist in its current form.
D The volatile ice on the comets of the Oort Cloud showed the presence of carbon dioxide. However, the remote sensing technique to directly locate and quantify the spectrum of Co2 from the Oort cloud failed
E The scientists concluded the absence of any trace of CO2 in the Oort Cloud based on their findings of the absence of CO2 in a similar theoretical cloud region of the nearby Andromeda Galaxy.

Choice A

Is wayward and out of scientific observation, rejected for both direct and indirect observation.

Choice B

Is potentially a direct observation; however, without clarification on whether such asteroids were part of the Oort Cloud, crucial information is missing. Therefore, we cannot conclude they provide direct evidence.

Choice C

Is a necessary indirect observation that confirms the discussion of both scientists. When scientists employ a similar structure to the Oort Cloud and establish the relationship of carbon dioxide with other elements present in the Oort Cloud, they can ascertain its overall stability, thus confirming the presence of CO2 without directly accessing the region of the Oort Cloud.

Choice D

Confirms the direct observation of finding CO2 in comets from the Oort Cloud. Nevertheless, the failure of the other technique might be due to other technical or human limitations in exploring further confirming research. However, the primary evidence that CO2 is appreciated in the Oort Cloud is direct and pivotal.

Choice E

Is tempting; however, it cannot be inferred for observation since other galaxies also need to be studied to confirm the presence or absence of CO2 in similar regions to the Oort Cloud.

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