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CPT vs. OPT: Which Path Will Boost Your Career?

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) vs. Optional Practical Training (OPT)

International students on an F-1 visa in the United States have two main options for gaining work experience: Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT). Here’s a detailed comparison:

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

CPT allows F-1 visa students to engage in off-campus employment directly related to their major. This work experience is integrated into the curriculum and includes internships, cooperative education programs, or practicums.


Key Features:

Eligibility: Must complete at least one academic year in a full-time program (exceptions for immediate program requirements).

Duration: No limit, but full-time CPT for 12 months or more eliminates OPT eligibility.

Approval: Authorized by the Designated School Official (DSO) and noted on the I-20 form.

Work Hours: Can be part-time or full-time during the program.

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

OPT provides F-1 students with the opportunity to gain practical work experience in their field of study. OPT can be used both before (pre-completion) and after (post-completion) graduation.


Key Features:

Eligibility: Must have been enrolled for at least one academic year.

Duration: 12 months standard, with a possible 24-month extension for STEM graduates.

Approval: Requires application to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Work Hours: Pre-completion OPT is part-time during the academic year and full-time during breaks; post-completion OPT can be full-time. The work hours during the course of program is 20 hours/week.

Unemployment Limit: Students can be unemployed for up to 90 days during the initial 12-month OPT period and an additional 60 days during the STEM extension.

Employment Start: Must start employment within 90 days of the program end date.

Travel: Students can return to their hometown during OPT but must ensure they have proper documentation to re-enter the U.S. if they plan to return.

Post-OPT Options: After the extended OPT period, students need to switch to another visa status, pursue further education, or leave the U.S.


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